Burger Mania

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
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Location games last seen on:2005-01
Last change to this page:2005-01

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Comments on This Location
2009-02-24Arcade KingA lot of Games Great Old Games, Ms.Pac-Man, Galaga, BurgerTime, Also Have the Mult-Arcade Game Over 40 Old Games, Great Food. I had a Blast!
2009-02-19PacgirlI just went here today. They have good food,and their video games are fun. They serve burgers, hot dogs, gyros and more. Also, the Burgertime and the other games were clean, and in good working condition. Besides the Burgertime, they also have Galaga, Bad Dudes, and an arcade classics miachine that has games such as Mappy, Pacman, and Qix. This place is fun, so go eat some burgers, and have a good time!

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