Santa Monica Pier Playland

Santa Monica, California, USA
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Location games last seen on:2006-06
Last change to this page:2006-09

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Centipede Galaga Ms. Pac-Man Pac-Man
Super Mario Bros.

Comments on This Location
2017-10-08R.T.Seen in October 2017: this location now has a (redundant) Class of 1981 Galaga/Ms. Pac-Man machine (in addition to two Galaga machines and two Ms. Pac-Man machines).
2009-01-10AnonymousLocation has Vs. Super Mario Brothers.
2006-08-27pacgirlNow has Super Mario Bros., Ms. Pacman, Pacman, and two Centipede machines.
2002-04-16MrMarbleJuly 2001: Actually Pacman/Ms are in same machine, which has about 9 different pacman versions, with selectable speed(normal/fast)...junior,professor... Two Galaga machines side by side. Other with original buttons/joy, other new ones. Super Mario bros. And previously mentioned Centipede/Millipede

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