Famous Pub and Sports Palace

Atlanta, Georgia, USA
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Location games last seen on:2006-04
Last change to this page:2006-09

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Bottom of the Ninth Galaga Ms. Pac-Man

Comments on This Location
2006-08-27DanThe strange Japanese game I saw last month was Keisatsukan Shinjuku 24ji. It was manufactured in 2000; so it isn't a genuine classic, but it sure was faded like one. There is one in Tampa (Malibu Grand Pirx) that looks much better.
2006-07-18DanSorry, there is no Teris here any more. I could not find Gyruss or Gorf either. There is still a Ms Pac-Man and Galaga. There are some other games like Area 51 and a large faded Japanese arcade machine; sorry can't remember the name.
2006-05-08victor tellisI want to buy this game. Istarted playing it in germany where my dad was stationed. we moved back to the us and I only played or saw it once. I used to skip skool:) to play it. I made it to earth twice. people used to get made at me because i would play it for hours on 1 quarter. If anyone want to sell the arcade game please [be advised that this forum is not for the purchase or sale or arcade games, sorry. I enjoyed playing Gyruss too, BTW; my high score is six million. -- RWM]

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