Whiskers Tavern

Dunwoody, Georgia, USA
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Location games last seen on:1998-09
Last change to this page:1998-09

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Galaga (cocktail)

Comments on This Location
2021-10-16AnonymousHouse of Rick Hemingway
2013-02-26AlanThis program is a joke. There is aldreay a Veterans Preference in hiring, where the Vet is to be given 5 points if not disabled, and 10 points if disabled. Even with Veterans Preference the unemployment rate is higher for Vets than non Vets. Why? Because there is no enforcement of Veterans Preference . Government agencies choose whether or not to comply with Veterans Preference. Mostly, they dont. So this is just another government program on top of another failed government program to hire Vets, that is all political talk with no real substance. Even the VA shuns (read works around ) Veterans preference in hiring. One way they do this is when a job opening comes up, they falsely list this as a Job Promotion not a Job Opening, because Vets Preference does not apply to promotions. The VA does this so they dont have to hire Vets. They dont want to hire too many Vets because Vets want to give other Vets their benefits, and the VA wants to keep the VA budget for VA executive bonuses instead. The whole thing is a farce, and another government program wont fix this. They need a VAOIG with a backbone, and a Secretary who performs as well as he talks. We have neither.

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