Shakopee Town Cinema

Shakopee, Minnesota, USA
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Location games last seen on:2001-02
Last change to this page:2001-02

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Namco Classic Collection Volume 1 (Mappy, Galaga, Xevious)

Comments on This Location
2011-11-13RainWhat I find so interesting is you could never find this awnyrhee else.
2009-11-30Imitation404To my best knowledge this mall has the cheapest DDR machine in the state. Only a dollar for two players. It's pretty worth it if you go with two people, but it's still a dollar if you're alone. I love that Cinema and the DDR Extreme Machine. I've been going there since I was like 15. I'm 21 now. D:
2009-06-03AnnaThe Namco Classics Collection is no longer present. There was pinball game, The Simpsons game, DDR & some other crappy ones, but nothing really worth it.... Another bummer.

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