Northtown Mall
(Grandpa's Gameroom)
Springfield, Missouri, USA
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Location games last seen on:2002-03
Last change to this page:2002-03

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Baby Pac-Man Championship Sprint Donkey Kong Heavy Barrel
Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class Of 1981Out Runners Tron

Comments on This Location
2009-06-16Bill Van NessCORRECTION! It was NorthTOWN Mall that met with the wrecking ball...NorthPARK Mall in Joplin is very much open but the arcade is not retro.
2009-06-16Bill Van NessWHOOPS! It is NorthTOWN Mall that has met its demise...MorthPARK Mall is in Joplin and is very much open although their arcade is not retro.

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