Lee County Inboard

Plantersville, Mississippi, USA
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Location games last seen on:2008-10
Last change to this page:2008-11

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Donkey Kong JuniorAsteroidsBattlezoneCentipede
Crystal CastlesDefenderDonkey KongFrogger
GalagaMoon PatrolMs. Pac-Man (cocktail)Pac-Man
ScrambleSpace Invaders DeluxeSpy HunterTempest

Comments on This Location
2011-07-03BunnyI recokn you are quite dead on with that.
2009-02-13Rob the classic arcade hunterI went to find this place near Tupelo, Ms (Elvis Presley's birthplace) ... it waaaaay deep in the backwoods that apparently is a business/residental that sells boats and allows fishing at the lake. I didn't see the games but I called the guy and said the game room is open on week days between 8 to 5.

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