Galaxy Gaming

Dover, New Hampshire, USA
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Location games last seen on:2007-10
Last change to this page:2007-12

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ArkanoidCentipedeDiscs Of Tron (Environmental)Donkey Kong
FroggerMs. Pac ManRobotron: 2084

Comments on This Location
2014-06-05David DemersClosed down a couple years ago.
2012-03-20IvyWell, I surf the internet and cacmunimote with people.I also design web sites.I also spend an inordinate amount of time working within Adobe Photoshop doing graphic design work.I also encode movies you know, ripping down from DVD to a small 700mb storage file, and then reconverting others back up to DVD format.I also use it to edit movies, and make music videos from scratch.I also use it to capture video.I also burn CDs and DVDs or various types, from DATA to music and video.I dabble a bit in programming C++ and Java.Do you really think that all you can do with a computer is play games?
2008-01-21Old SchoolDover had a Funspot that turned into Club Video, then some employees purchased it and called it the Game Zone. Is Galaxy Gaming the latest incarnation in the legacy?

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