Jim Macks Ice Cream / Cones & Clubs

York, Pennsylvania, USA
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Location games last seen on:2002-09
Last change to this page:2002-09

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Frogger Galaga Ms. Pac-Man Smash TV
Tetris Turbo

Comments on This Location
2009-07-19SportsterI think it would be cool if you could throw rocks at it while at Jim Mack's.
2009-07-12AmyI am also disgusted by the fact that there is a pitiful looking black bear in a cage on a concrete slab...with little else. The owner should allow an animal sanctuary to take it and let the poor thing live out it's life in a more natural environment and have some sense of freedom and normalcy. I think it is selfish and greedy to try to earn a few extra quarters by allowing people to "feed" this pathetic creature with some type of kibble. I hope people will agree and boycott this place until the owner does the right thing for these animals.
2009-05-31BriI must agree the Jim Mack's is a small, cute, quaint mini golf area and eatery. The food happens to be great and the ice cream is as well. However, I am appaled at the fact that there is a black bear in captivity located amongst the grounds. Bears belong in the wild. If the bear has some time of medical problem, etc. that would prove it unable to live in the wild, then it should be in a wildlife rehabilitation center for care and a normal life that all wildlife deserves. The bear should not be locked up in a fence cage about the size of my bedroom with a tub of water, a few toys, and a few slots for food to be dropped in by cooing kids that believe it is alright that wild animals are kept in captivity.
2006-02-06Michael MericaI was originally born and raised in York. My wife and I moved to Florida in April of 2000. We had just sold our house here, and are coming back to York in a few weeks. I personally can't wait. We have been back to York a few times in the 6 years we have lived here and every time we head back "home",I cant wait to get to Mack's for a pork barbecue and french fry. I guess what I am trying to say is Mack's is truly a York county icon along with Martin's chips, the York Fair, etc. It takes being away to truly miss the things that were a part of your life. Don't change a thing-- we all need something "to come home to."

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