Farrelli's Pizza

Parkland, Washington, USA
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Location games last seen on:2019-12
Last change to this page:2019-12

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Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class Of 1981 Pac-Mans Pixel Bash

Comments on This Location
2023-07-16JackThe Pac-Man Arcade Party is sadly no longer there. Now all they have are those stupid claw machines. :(
2023-07-16JackThe Pac-Man Pixel Bash is sadly no longer there. Now all they have are those stupid claw machines. :(
2023-07-16JackThe Pac-Mans Pixel Bash is sadly no longer there. Now all they have are those stupid claw machines. :(
2022-08-07LarryThe Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga is no longer there. Pac-Mans Pixel Bash is still there though. I think Pixel Bash was the replacement for the Class of 1981 game here.

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