Landmark Lanes

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
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Location games last seen on:2008-03
Last change to this page:2008-04

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Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class Of 1981 Tetris

Comments on This Location
2008-03-13JonUnfortunately, the Burger Time arcade machine is no longer located here. They do still have the classic Tetris machine and a new Pac-man/Galaga combo machine.
2001-02-15motorLandmark has what most arcades are missing these days (besides the games): namely, that sleazy, dirty, dangerous feel to it. The entire place is a stinky, underground complex with three seperate bars, a full sized bowling alley, and an arcade. The decor is definately early-80's, and they still have ashtrays attached to most of their games! Nuff said.
2001-01-19Bryan MillerThis is a excellent place to play classic arcade games. It is also a classic arcade feel. A must place to check out in Milwaukee the best I have seen thus far.

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